Importing tasks from a CSV file

Importing tasks from a CSV file

If you'd like to add new tasks in bulk, you can upload them from a CSV file. This article will take you through the process of (1) preparing and (2) uploading your file.

Step 1: Prepare your CSV file

Attached to this article, you'll find a sample file showing the columns your sheet must include, along with some sample data. 

As you prepare your own sheet, keep all column headers exactly the same as in the sample file. In addition, note the following requirements:
  1. In the column Sender's Phone, write phone numbers to include the country code and area code, without spaces or dashes. An example of a Canadian phone number is +16042292495
  2. In the Delivery After and Delivery Before columns, use the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM.
  3. In the column Pickup Location Name, input the location address exactly as it is saved in CanFleet.
    1. Check by going to Settings > Stores and clicking on the store name to view the address.
    2. If your store is from WooCommerce, it would be your Store Name. If your store name, your pickup location name will be your Store Location Name
  4. In the column Driver Name, make sure driver names are written exactly as they are saved in CanFleet.
    1. Check by looking at the driver's name in Settings > Drivers.
  5. If a task doesn't include pickup information, enter FALSE in the Include Pickup Task column. For a task include Pickup task, enter TRUE. You would have 3 options for pickup task: 
    1. Delivery signature confirmation and Delivery image confirmation: enter TRUE or FALSE for the value.
    2. Pickup confirmation: enter TRUE or FALSE for the value.
Please note that the total file size may not exceed 5,000 tasks or 10 MB.

Make sure to save your file as a .csv file. Other formats are not currently supported.

Step 2: Upload your CSV file to CanFleet

  1. Once your file is ready, go into Breadstack Delivery and click Task List from the left-hand column.
  2. Click Import Tasks in the upper right corner.

  3. In the popup, click Choose File select your spreadsheet. Note that the import may take several minutes if you have a large amount of data, and you won't be able to use CanFleet during this time.
If all your tasks are imported successfully, you'll see the below message:

If any of your tasks cannot be imported, you'll see a message indicating which rows contain issues. You'll then have a chance to correct the issues before re-uploading the file.

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