Updating a driver's profile

Updating a driver's profile

Managing drivers includes making sure you have accurate contact information and up-to-date details on their vehicle and license.

Only users with admin access can edit drivers' profiles.

To update your driver's information:

  1. Go to Settings > Drivers and click the driver's name. A driver information panel will open on the right side of the screen.Screenshot CanFleet driver panel 
  2. In the ribbon at the top of the panel, you'll see three sections of information to adjust:
    • Profile - Edit your driver's name, address, and display name (visible in CanFleet). 
      This section also includes Customer Support Options. Choose if and how customers can get in touch with this driver - via his or her own phone number, via an alternative number, or not at all.
      Screenshot CanFleet driver customer support options
    • Vehicle - Record the make, model, and license number of your driver's car.
    • Documents - You can upload and store any of the following files here:
      • Photo of driver's license (front and back)
      • Photo of driver holding license
      • Driver abstract
      Click Upload under any file type to open your phone's camera. If you would prefer to upload an existing file from your computer, select the upload button.
      Screenshot CanFleet upload driver doc

  3. When you're finished updating a section, click Save Changes at the bottom of the panel. Your changes will be logged in the Timeline.

  • Screenshot CanFleet driver profile timeline
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