Adding a new user

Adding a new user

If you're a Breadstack Delivery Admin, you can invite your coworkers to work in your organization. Users can join Breadstack Delivery as Admins or as Dispatchers.

. This article is about how to add Admin or Dispatcher users. For instructions on adding a driver in Breadstack Delivery, please see Adding a driver.
To add an Admin or Dispatcher:
  1. Go to Settings > Users and click Add New User.
  2. In the popup, enter your new user's First NameLast NameEmail Address, and Role.
    Note the following differences between the two roles:
    • Admin - These users have access to all features and operations.
    • Dispatcher - These users can access Live Tracking and the Task List. Within Settings, their access is restricted to the Accounts tab. (This means they cannot perform any organization-wide operations such as adding users, managing drivers or teams, adding or editing stores, or toggling auto-assignment.)
  3. Click Add to send the user an invitation by email.

Your new user's status will show as Pending until he or she completes account setup, at which point it will change to Active.

If your user did not receive your invitation, you can resend it by finding their name in Settings > Users and clicking Resend Invitation.


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