Adding a driver

Adding a driver

Before you can start managing delivery tasks in Breadstack Delivery, you'll need to add at least one driver.

Here's how to generate an SMS invitation that will prompt your driver to download the CanFleet Driver App. Once they've completed setup, you can start assigning them tasks.

Your driver's mobile number must belong to the country in which you operate.

  1. Go to Settings > Drivers. In the upper right corner, select Add Driver.
  2. Fill in your driver's First Name, Last Name, and Mobile Number.
    If desired, you can also give your driver a Display Name to help you recognize him or her when assigning tasks within CanFleet.Screenshot CanFleet Add Driver Popup
  3. Click Send Invitation via SMS. Your driver will receive a text message with a link to download the CanFleet Driver App. 

You can check the status of the invitation in Settings > Drivers. Once your driver has downloaded the app and completed setup, his or her status will change from Pending to Active

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