Creating a driver team

Creating a driver team

In Breadstack Delivery, you can group your organization's drivers into teams, then assign each team to one or more stores.

You must add drivers individually before grouping them into teams.

Why create a driver team?

You aren't required to organize your drivers into teams. However, there are several good reasons to do so.
  • More efficient auto-assignment - If you use Breadstack Delivery's task auto-assignment function, any incoming tasks will be distributed among that store's team(s) as opposed to the general driver pool. This means a delivery task is more likely to land with a driver who knows the area.
  • Better manual assignments - Even if you assign tasks manually, having teams allows you to make better decisions. You can easily see which drivers are best suited to serving a given region.
  • Easier capacity planning - Teams allow you to quickly gauge how well-served your delivery zones are, so you can adjust capacity as needed. 

There are two phases to setting up a team: 1) creating the team; and 2) assigning the team to a store.

Step 1: Create your team

To create a new team:

  1. Go to Settings > Teams and select Add Team.
  2. Give your team a name and a short description that make it easy to recognize.
  3. Under Drivers, select the drivers you want to include in this team.
  4. Click Save when finished.

.Screenshot CanFleet create a team

Your team will now appear listed in Settings > Teams. Click on any team in the list to view and edit it. 

Screenshot CanFleet view team

Step 2: Assign your team to a store

Once you've created a team, you can assign it to handle a particular store's delivery tasks.
  1. Go to Settings > Stores and click on a store to open its information panel.
  2. Select the Teams tab.
  3. In the dropdown, choose the team you want to assign.
    Note that if you're assigning more than one team, you can choose which team takes priority for task auto-assignment by selecting Set to preferred.
    Screenshot CanFleet add team to store


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